CDC Releases New HIV Prevention Resources from the Let’s Stop HIV Together Campaign
CDC | January 27, 2021


As one of my first acts as the new director of CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP), I am thrilled to have the honor of unveiling the newest prevention resources from the Let’s Stop HIV Together (Together) campaign. These materials represent an important expansion of the campaign’s prevention resources and are designed for all who can benefit from HIV prevention information. The new materials are built around a status neutral theme: Whatever your HIV status, there are options to prevent HIV. Know your options and choose what’s best for you.

Despite COVID-19, HIV doesn’t stop, neither do you, and neither do we. In that spirit, the new materials were developed through our first ever virtual production. Our campaign participants from across the country represent highly diverse populations, including Black and Latino gay men, heterosexual cisgender Black and Latina women, and transgender people. These participants did a phenomenal job in becoming their own at-home production crews and the result is a new and vibrant suite of materials created in English and Spanish. Digital and print materials include PSAs, posters, web banners, palm cards, brochures, GIFs, memes, social media videos, and a webisode. I hope you’ll take a look at them on the Together prevention page and the campaign materials search page

The new resources highlight a range of HIV topics, including condoms, medicines that prevent HIV such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), treatment and its role in prevention, and overall sexual health. Additionally, we are continuously adding new resources and materials across the Together portfolio, addressing HIV testing, treatment, and stigma. All materials are downloadable, free to order, and available now. Videos can be accessed on the English and Spanish Together websites and on our YouTube channel. Also note that our campaign materials are available for co-branding, so feel free to contact us about that.

CDC partners will support the launch of these new HIV prevention resources through a number of social media activities, including reaction videos, watch parties, and sharing social media posts from our new HIV Prevention Social Media Toolkit. During the week of February 8th, I will be participating in two partner events and hope you will too:

For more information on these fun and meaningful events, and to keep up to date on the campaign, I invite you to follow these handles:

We are grateful for your expertise and willingness to work with DHAP to stop HIV together. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or suggestions by emailing us at


Demetre Daskalakis, MD, MPH 

Director, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, CDC